Sunday, January 16, 2011

Somethin' Special

I've been on a craftin' rampage this weekend. So many ideas!

I've recently fallen in L-O-V-E with finding deals and bargains and treasures at antique shops, Goodwill, and other resale shops. I found a SUPER cool frame (plastic...whatever!) at Goodwill for 39 cents and had my heart set on an earring holder, like ones I've been seeing in blogland. HOWEVER, creativity struck and I found an alternate use for it that I think is pretty stinkin' cute!

I love it!~

Pay no mind to my poor, poor berry wreath that I've had for 10 years (10 YEARS!). Touching up those faded berries needs to be higher on my list.

The heart says "YOU ARE SPECIAL" and it was attached to a Bath and Body Works gift set that I got when I was a freshman in high school.... Yep...back in the "Sun Ripened Raspberry" days!

Umm...wondering if it's more of a problem that I hold on to things for so long or that I can remember the exact moment I got them?!?

Anyway, here's a close-up!

I think I'd be happy to walk in to a home that reminded me just how special I am! :)

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