Sunday, August 8, 2010

Here goes nothin'....

I copy ideas.

There, I said it.

I copy ideas a LOT!

Now that THAT'S out of the way, welcome to my new little blog getaway. A work in progress for now, but an idea I dreamed up a couple of days ago while fighting a little insomnia. I do my best thinking when I'm trying NOT to think.

There are MILLIONS of blogs out there with great ideas. BILLIONS of websites, too. I find good ideas all the time and just copy away! This blog, I hope, will be a collection of those great ideas. Sometimes I'll post a pic of someone else's great idea, sometimes I'll post a pic of my own take of someone else's great idea, and sometimes, if I'm feeling productive...:) I'll even post a tutorial!

I'm excited about this. And maybe it's because it's reallllly late and I'm reallllly delirious, but excited. I'm never one to shy away from a chance to be creative!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited-can't wait to see everything you find/come up with!! I won't lie...I get ideas for my blog from others all the time. It's called sharing (I just hope the ones I copy from don't mind)! ;-) And, if I post anything "creative" enough to make the cut, feel free to use it!!
